Burunge WMA Rangers Trained In Investigating and Combatting Poaching - MAIPAC MEDIA TANZANIA



A Centre for Indigenous and Pastoralists Community Informations

Wednesday 15 March 2023

Burunge WMA Rangers Trained In Investigating and Combatting Poaching


TAWA Prosecutor Getrude Kariongo giving training to Rangers officers

Wildlife Rangers from BURUNGE WMA and Rangers from Chemchem Association listening to the TAWA Prosecutor at the training

A Lawyer from the office of the Director of Public Prosecution in Manyara Region, Brandina Msawa giving training to wildlife Rangers



Rangers at Burunge Wildlife Management Area (WMA) have been trained in investigating and cambatting and poaching.

The Tanzania Wildlife Management Authority (TAWA) organised the training, while the Chem Chem Association, which has invested in tourism activities and conservation within the Burunge WMA, provided financial support to it.

The TAWA prosecutor, Ms Getrude Kariongi, and the prosecutor from the office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) in Manyara Region, Ms Brandina Msawa, pleaded with the rangers during the training session to adhere to the law while arresting poachers.

Ms Kariongi said case would be timely heard and judgment would be appropriately made should the rangers arrest poachers, carry out searches and preserve evidence properly.

Ms Msawa explained that adhereing to the law in the process of arresting and investigating poachers helped to speed up the case procedures.

On his part, the TAWA Northern Zone Conservation Officer, Mr Emmanuel Pius, hjighlighted the importance of the training to the rangers, saying it would strengthen their skills in the fight against poaching.

The Police Criminal Investigation Department would also impart skills on appearing at courts to the rangers in a bid to simplify hearing of cases, he added.

Mr Pius said the responsibility of the rangers was to ensure they continue protecting the nation's natural resources for the benefit and interests of the present and future generations.

The Head of Anti-poaching Department of the Chem Chem Association, Mr Erick Nayman, said there had been incidents of poaching within the Burunge WMA, thanks  to the increase in human activities in the area.

He, however, said the association had been spending more than Sh400 million annually on fighting against poaching, including the purchase of vehicles and protective equipment.

Babati District Administrative Secretary (DAS), Mr Khalfani Matipula, asked the rangers and wildlife officers when opening the training session to work professionally to ensure the nation's natural resources are well protected.

Poach ought to be stopped at all cost in the district by ensuring suspects are arrested and sent to court timely.


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