Continental Nuclear Experts Calls For Improved Safety Of Workers In Radiation Sources Sectors - MAIPAC MEDIA TANZANIA



A Centre for Indigenous and Pastoralists Community Informations

Thursday 14 December 2023

Continental Nuclear Experts Calls For Improved Safety Of Workers In Radiation Sources Sectors

By Andrea Ngobole, Arusha

EXPERTS in the nuclear sector within the continent have called for further investment and initiatives to protect and ensure for the safety of workers who are dealing with various sources of radiation.

They observed, the sector has seen an exponential decrease in the number of needed equipment that must necessary be used by the workers in the sector.

Nuclear experts from at least 35 different countries across Africa are convening in Arusha City for five consecutive days in a tailor-made meeting to discuss and share experience over occupational radiation protection within their countries.

Held under the theme of 'RAF 9068 Enhancing Occupational Radiation Protection in IAEA Member States ' the five - day professional meeting involves countries which are members of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), which include the host Tanzania.

Airing his views at the meeting, Dr. Taoffeq Tge from Nigeria expressed that the vision behind the meeting, among others was to review thr progress so far achieved by the countries during the past four years of implementation of the project for the Occupational Radiation Protection in Africa (2020-2023).

"The theme of this project's final coordination meeting is very important as the general goal is to ensure the workers under the radiation sector are very protected," he said, hailing Tanzania for hosting the event through the Tanzania Atomic Energy Commission (TAEC).

He added, the meeting was for discussion, sharing experience, as well as setting key agendas for the improvement of the safety of all workers dealing with radiations.

"Despite useful efforts being implemented by International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), experience proves that some countries are not possessing need protective gadgets to support their workers under diverse sources of radiations.

For his part, Felix Omonya Wanjala, the Programme Management Officer, Division of Africa, Department of Technical Cooperation at International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) detailed that implementation of the timely roject was to promote safety of workers within nuclear technology sector.

"Among others, the vision is to set viable strategies to protect the workers from various possible hazards and diseases from nuclear sector," he said.

He informed that the core target was to improve quality of work, and working safety in the sector, added, the workers in question involves those working in hospitals, industries, agriculture sector, and all others who deals with sources of radiations.

"This project, was purposeful introduced by IAEA to support member countries to adopt modern equipment, but also implementing friendly policies for protection the workers under nuclear technologies, " he expressed.

And he added, with four years of the project's running many progress have so far been achieved in terms of safety of the workers attached in the sector.

"IAEA will continue standing at forefront to support the member countries attaining high safety of the workers, as well as the general use of radiations," he insisted.

Together with that, he informed that, plans are afoot to launch another integrated project next year for further strengthening performance of the key sector across the continent.

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